Tuesday 8 September 2015

Oracle Apps Interview questions part -1

1.What is Oracle Apps (ERP)?
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. A product of Oracle India Pvt. Ltd. As the name suggests Enterprise Resource Planning...............
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2.What are cycles of GL, AP, and AR?
In general GL AP and AR consist of: Structure Phase - defines the process flows and configuration for the system and Conduct business process and data mapping workshops..............
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3.What is FlexField? Explain types of flexfields?
We can assume FlexField as a collection of segments or sub-fields which can be added or removed to modify the structure of the FlexField and does not require any levels of programming..................
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4.What are the businesses needs satisfy by the Oracle Applications flexfields?
The following businesses needs are served by FlexField: You can query the key fields. Helps in customization of data fields without programming...............
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5.What are different types of invoices and what is a recurring invoice?
Types of Invoice: Standard Invoice, CreditMemo Invoice, DebitMemo Invoice, Expense Invoice, Recurring Invoice With-hold tax Quick Match and Pre-Payment Invoice.................
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6.What is FSG? Explain its uses?
FSG stands for financial statement generator. It is powerful reporting engine for clearly define our reporting requirement..................
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7.What is MRC? Explain its uses?
MRC stands for Multiple Reporting Currencies. It has default currency as US $. And if any organization books with some other currency there comes the requirement of MRC..............
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8.Explain how to handle errors in Customer interface
We can handle errors by using SQL*Loader, or other import program, to load customer information into the interface tables...............
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9.What is the use of CUSTOM Library in Oracle Apps?
The main beneficial use of the custom library is allowing extension to Oracle Application without modification of Oracle Application code................
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10.What are User Exits? What are different types of User Exits in Oracle Apps? Explain the types.
A user exit is a C subroutine written by user and called by Oracle Forms to do special-purpose processing. Helps the User to exit from the current working environment. Types of User exit:..............
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11.What are different types of Journal entries?
Journal entries are based on business transaction and correct effect of entries bring apparent balance sheet and profit or loss. The different types of Journal Entries are:................
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12.Differentiate between conversions and interfaces
As in the general English meaning of conversion means converting from one from to another form and interface means.............
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13.What is Data Migration and what is Conversion? What’s the difference between both?
Both of the term is used interchangeably. Or just we can say that Data Conversion is set of data migration. Data migration is upgrading what we call but Data conversion..............
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14.Differences between Quick Pick and Quick Codes.
Quick Pick is variable because it selects values from user-defined tables. Quick Code is static & it selects..............
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15.What does 'Unfreezing Rollup Groups' do?
Unfreezing rollup group can make changes to the rollup group. After making changes, you have to freeze it again and compile it to get the effect of change............
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16.Explain rule based optimization in Oracle Apps
More than a decade ago, all Oracle databases used what is now called rule-based optimization, which uses a fixed strategy to optimize a query's results.............
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17.Explain the significance of profile option “Node Trust Level” in Oracle Apps
If this profile option is set to some external value against a server, then it signifies that the specific middle tier is External i.e. it will be exposed to the www.............
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18.What is the significance of profile option “Responsibility Trust Level”?
The main significance of Responsibility Trust Level is to make a responsibility accessible from an external web tier..............
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19.What is the role of Document Manager in Oracle Purchasing?
To receive pipeline signal from the application on made request. Document Manager Functionality comes within Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM)...................
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20.What are the two mechanisms by which to trace the document manager? Explain them
1. Set the debugging on by using profile option:
First Set profile option "Concurrent: Debug Flags" to TCTM1..............
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21.How do we enable tracing for the document managers?
This can be done by setting profile option “Initialization SQL Statement – Custom” against your username before reproducing the issue................
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22.Difference between running Gather Stats and “Program – Optimizer [RGOPTM]” in Oracle General Ledger
Former cannot create any indexes but Stats will simply gather the stats against existing tables. But latter can create indexes on GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS...........
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23.Use FND Logging. At back Oracles FND Logging uses self reliant transaction to insert records in a table of name fnd_log_messages.
For example
        fnd_log.STRING(log_level => fnd_log.level_statement
                     ,module => 'xxxx ' || 'pkg/procedurename '.
                     ,message => 'your debug message here');
END ;................
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24.How does substitution work in OA Framework?
The base of working of Substitution in OA framework depends on the user that has logged into OA Framework. After the user has logged.................
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25.Benefits of using Substitution in OA Framework
To extend the OA Framework without customization of the underlying code..............
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26.How can you import invoices into Oracle Receivables?
This can be done in two ways defines below: We can either use AutoInvoice. Which can be possible by populating following table name...............
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27.How do you setup a context sensitive flexfield?
To setup a context sensitive flexfield follow these steps: Create a reference field first, second use the created reference field inside Context Field section of DFF Segment screen...............
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28.What are the key benefits of forms personalization over custom.pll?
Many users can develop form personalization at a given time...............

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