Sunday 4 October 2015

BITAND function

BITAND function used to find a bit is set or not. It returns INTEGER.
Syntax :- BITAND(expr1,expr1)
If the values are the same, the operator returns 1 and return 0 otherwise.
BITAND function first convert both expression into binary format, then compare bit by bit and returns in decimal format
1. BITAND(1,1)  — returns 1
2. BITAND(1,0)  — returns 0
3. BITAND(0,1)  — returns 0
4. BITAND(-1,-1)– returns -1
5.  BITAND(null,null) – returns NULL
6. BITAND(24,18) – returns 8
Binary representation of 24 is 11000
Binary representation of 15 is 1111
11====>1(1 AND 1) is 1
01====>0(0 AND 1) is 0
01====>0(0 AND 1) is 0
01====>0(0 AND 1) is 0
(Note that that bits are considered from right, least significant first)
Result is 1000 in binary format. If you convert 1000 binary into decimal format we get 8.
So BITAND(24,18) = 8
7. BITAND(6,2) – returns 2
Binary representation of 6 is 110
Binary representation of 2 is  10
BITAND returns 10 in Binary, which is 2
8. BITAND(6,3) – returns 2
Binary representation of 6 is 110
Binary representation of 2 is  11
BITAND returns 10 in Binary, which is 2

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