Saturday 4 June 2016

Getting Code Combination ID using fnd_flex_ext.get_ccid

Sometimes for Retrival of the Code Combinations the view(gl_code_combinations_kfv) will not be enough. We need a function to get the value so at that time we can use fnd_flex_ext.get_ccid to get the Code Combination.
select fnd_flex_ext.get_ccid(
‘SQLGL’, –Application Short Name
‘GL#’, –key_flex_code
50357, –structure_number   => this value we can obtain from this Query –select chart_of_accounts_id from gl_sets_of_books where set_of_books_id = 2021;
sysdate, –Validation Date
’01-00-11113-001-00-00′ –Concatenated Segments
) from dual;

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