Saturday 4 June 2016

Register Custom Application In Oracle Applications

As a standard practice when ever you need to write custom code/forms/reports in Oracle Applications you must put then under custom application TOP. This is to avoid impact of patching on custom objects. If we put custom object under stand TOP it might create issue and after patching it may start malfunctioning. If we have all custom code at one place it easy to maintain as we know exactly how many custom objects we have and where they are.
Before staring you need to first decide what should be your application name and short name. Here we go ....
Application    : Custom Application
Data Group     : Standard
Request Group  : Custom Request Group
#1 – Create directory under application top
  • Login to Application Server and Source the environment variable. 
    login as: oracle
    oracle@'s password:
    Last login: Sun Feb  2 12:53:38 2014 from
    [oracle@ebsapp ~]$ 
    [oracle@ebsapp ~]$ pwd
    [oracle@ebsapp ~]$ . /u01/E-BIZ/apps/apps_st/appl/APPSVIS_ebsapp.env
    [oracle@ebsapp ~]$ cd $APPL_TOP
    [oracle@ebsapp appl]$ pwd
    [oracle@ebsapp appl]$
  • Create following directories under APPL_TOP
    mkdir c_apps 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/admin 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/admin/sql 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/admin/odf 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/sql 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/bin 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/reports 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/reports/US 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/forms 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/forms/US 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/lib 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/out 
    mkdir c_apps/12.0.0/log
#2 – Create an entry to the application tier Context File
  • Modify Context File as Follows
    Sample Entry
    <AD_TOP oa_var="s_adtop" oa_type="PROD_TOP" oa_enabled="TRUE">/u01/E-BIZ/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0</AD_TOP>
    New Entry
    <C_APPS_TOP oa_var="s_asftop" oa_type="PROD_TOP" oa_enabled="FALSE">/u01/E-BIZ/apps/apps_st/appl/c_apps/12.0.0</C_APPS_TOP>
#3 – Stop Application Services
  • Execute the script -
    [oracle@ebsapp appl]$ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
    [oracle@ebsapp scripts]$ sh apps/apps
    You are running version 120.10.12010000.4
    The logfile for this session is located at /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adstpall.log
    Executing service control script:
    /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/scripts/ stop
    Executing service control script:
    /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/scripts/ stop
    You are running version 120.17.12010000.5
    Shutting down concurrent managers for VIS ...
    ORACLE Password:
    Submitted request 5821348 for CONCURRENT FND SHUTDOWN exiting with status 0
    Executing service control script:
    /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/scripts/ stop
    All enabled services on this node are stopped. with status 0 check the logfile /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adstpall.log for more information ...
    [oracle@ebsapp scripts]$
#4 – Run Autoconfig
  • Execute the script
    [oracle@ebsapp scripts]$ sh
    Enter the APPS user password:
    The log file for this session is located at: /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/log/02021607/adconfig.log
    AutoConfig is configuring the Applications environment...
    AutoConfig will consider the custom templates if present.
     Using CONFIG_HOME location : /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp
     Classpath                  : /u01/E-BIZ/apps/apps_st/comn/java/lib/
     Using Context file         : /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/appl/admin/VIS_ebsapp.xml
    Context Value Management will now update the Context file
            Updating Context file...COMPLETED
            Attempting upload of Context file and templates to database...COMPLETED
    Configuring templates from all of the product tops...
            Configuring AD_TOP........COMPLETED
            Configuring FND_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring ICX_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring MSC_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring IEO_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring BIS_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring AMS_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring CCT_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring WSH_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring CLN_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring OKE_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring OKL_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring OKS_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring CSF_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring IGS_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring IBY_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring JTF_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring MWA_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring CN_TOP........COMPLETED
            Configuring CSI_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring WIP_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring CSE_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring EAM_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring FTE_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring ONT_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring AR_TOP........COMPLETED
            Configuring AHL_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring OZF_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring IES_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring CSD_TOP.......COMPLETED
            Configuring IGC_TOP.......COMPLETED
    AutoConfig completed successfully.
    [oracle@ebsapp scripts]$
#5 – Start Application Services
  • Execute the script
    [oracle@ebsapp scripts]$ sh apps/apps
    You are running version 120.15.12010000.3
    The logfile for this session is located at /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adstrtal.log
    Executing service control script:
    /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/scripts/ start
    /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/scripts/ start
    /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/scripts/ start
    /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/scripts/ start
    /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/scripts/ start
    /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/scripts/ start
    /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/scripts/ start
    /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/admin/scripts/ start
    All enabled services for this node are started. Exiting with status 0 check the logfile /u01/E-BIZ/inst/apps/VIS_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adstrtal.log for more information ...
    [oracle@ebsapp scripts]$
#6 – Validate The Directory
  • Logout from the current session and log back in. Validate if the directory is created or not.
    login as: oracle
    oracle@'s password:
    Last login: Sun Feb  2 15:24:22 2014 from
    [oracle@ebsapp ~]$ . /u01/E-BIZ/apps/apps_st/appl/APPSVIS_ebsapp.env
    [oracle@ebsapp ~]$ echo $C_APPS_TOP
    [oracle@ebsapp ~]$
#7 – Create Tablespace
  • Login as SYSTEM / SYSDBA to create tablespace. You can also use any other user who has grant to create tablespace.
    Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release 
    Connected as SYSTEM
    SQL> create tablespace C_APPS datafile '/u01/E-BIZ/db/apps_st/data/c_apps.dbf'
      2  size 10M
      3  autoextend on next 10M
      4  maxsize 100M
      5  ;
    Tablespace created
#8 – Create Schema
  • Schema Creation
    SQL> create user c_apps identified by c_apps
      2  default tablespace C_APPS
      3  temporary tablespace temp
      4  quota unlimited on C_APPS;
    User created
    SQL> grant connect, resource to C_APPS;
    Grant succeeded
#9 – Register Custom Schema in Application
  • Navigate to System Administrator –> Application –> Register
  • Application : Custom Application
  • Shot Name : C_APPS
  • Basepath : C_APPS_TOP
Image 024 Image 025
#10 – Register Oracle User in Application
  • Navigate to System Administrator –> Security –> Oracle –> Register
  • Database User Name : C_APPS (Name of the database user, Should be same user that we create earlier)
  • Password : c_apps (Password for database user, must be same password as we set while creation of user)
  • Privilege : Select valid privilege from LOV
    • Enabled : An enabled ORACLE username has full privileges (insert, query, update, and delete) to the database tables.
    • Restricted : A restricted ORACLE username has only query privileges to the database tables.
    • Disabled : No privileges to access database tables.
  • Install Group : Represent group of installation where 1 represent first group of installation , 2 represent second group of installation.. For custom application this field for reference only, currently not used any where.
Image 026 Image 028
#11 – Adding Application to Data Group
  • Navigate to System Administrator –> Security –> Oracle –> Data Group
  • Query for ‘Standard’ Data Group
  • Add the Custom Application and associate with APPS user.
Image 029 Image 030
#12 – Create Request Group
  • Navigate to System Administrator –> Responsibility –> Request
  • Group : Custom Request Group
  • Application : Custom Application
  • Code : C_APPS
  • Description : Custom Request Group
Image 031 Image 032

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